Thursday, September 8, 2011

In Review

So other than the two things I actually wanted to make sure I saw and completely missed, William Shatner and Carrie Fisher, I would say that Dragon*Con 2012 was a resounding success. I seemed to have screwed up everything I had planned but for me that's normal. I suppose it can't be Dragon*Con unless you're floundering around chaos in a sleepless, drunken haze. Hey!! I did accomplish that.

So let's see. I wrote an entire page on things to have on hand. How well did I do?
  1. Badges on lanyard...check. And I don't think anyone lost their badge.
  2. Water....check. That was one thing I did remember each morning.
  3. Caffeine....not so much. As we know on the first day I forgot the caffeine. I did remember it the rest of the time though.
  4. Snacks...blew that. I don't think we took any snacks.
  5. Something to write with and on...check. Only because Master Johnathan remembered.
  6. Cell phone and charger...thpppp. I didn't forget my cell phone but as you know on Sunday I did take it without charged batteries and forgot the charger. And no charged cell phone might as well be a forgotten cell phone.
  7. Business Cards...check. I think Darckchild even ran out.
  8. Misc....mmmm. There wasn't anything specifically listed there but I do know we forgot drugs. We forgot most of what we should have and we definitely didn't bring anything extra.
As far as the survival tips go all was good except for me and for food thing. But then anyone who knows me knows that Vodka and Red Bull is a food group, at least it was for me for three days.

What we learned? We learned that Darkchild can't be trusted to hold onto his ID but we forgave him due to his resourcefulness. We learned that when we come home all exhausted Kevin will still fire up the grill and cook us dinner. We learned Master Johnathan is our ticket to brushes with fame (having had Lou Ferrigno trip over him and all). And the biggest lesson I learned is that caffeinated pixies sticks are the bomb. Without those I would never have made it.


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