Saturday, July 30, 2011

Where is Dawn Now?

Whether taken by flights of fancy or physically disappearing while following "flashy shiny" this appears to be a mantra of people while hanging out with me. So I have found a website that you can always turn to to know exactly where I am.
Where is Dawn Now?
Spacecraft after installation of high gain antenna

No updated Science track information from JPL for Dragon*Con yet. Hopefully they will have a session dedicated to me.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Con Wear

So I have to share my new favorite hat I'll be sporting at Dragon*Con. It was a belated (or maybe early?) birthday gift from Mistress Niki..

Now I just have to figure out the clothing part....what color goes good with shotgun?

New Cast Members

So it appears that we have some new cast members that will be making a guest appearance for 1 day and 1 day only. I wish everyone to amend their cast list and add Mistress Niki and her ever faithful companion Master James. It seems that their previous engagement of playing banjos in the heartland has become rather unappealing. Of course I will never understand why lugging banjos and stand up basses halfway across the country to play music to a bunch of people in a corn field is a fuuuun thing but then I guess I'm not a musician.

So the party of adventurers will rise to six on Saturday for all around rabble rousing and merry making.

 Oh and shout out to Darkchild who has changed his icon. Much more befitting your stature.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Web Changes

I'm still getting all the functionality into the site so you may see different things each time you come here.

If it's completely different you're still in the right place I'm just messing with templates. If it's all pink it's 'cause I'm messing with Master Johnathan.

I'm also trying to get the social networking up and running so icons may come and go and feeds may come and go. Don't subscribe to anything but Followers and Follow by Email till I get it worked out.

I'm trying my best not to totally break the page but, you know, "Where's the fun in that?"


Subscriptions to RSS Feeds, Twitter and Google+ work. I won't be doing Facebook for several reasons. The main one being Google+ and Facebook are the same thing and I'd rather only maintain one of them and I already have a Google+ account. I can send an invitation to anyone who wants one( it's in beta ) but you will have to have a google account. Otherwise you can still see the feeds you just can't join.

The buttons are still jumping around the page. I can't decide where I want them.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The first Dragon*CON Progress Report is here!

Bigger news than: "The new phonebooks are here! The new phonebooks are here!"

The Dragon*CON progress report is now online.
The Progress Report is the forerunner of the actual handbook/catalog/guide for Dragon*CON.
No event times or locations are given, but it starts to show you what will be there.

Click below to see the current state of the Progress Report.

Dragon*Con Progress Report

Keep watching for more updates!

-- Master John

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dragon*Con is almost here!!!

Keeping in mind that there is only a limited number of days until Dragon*CON arrives in Atlanta, please make sure that all of your travel and feeding needs have been attended to, and scheduled appropriately.
(This means YOU, darkchilde!)

-- Master John

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Welcome 2011

Dragon*Con September 2 - 5

Welcome to my first annual blog of Dragon*Con.  I've been going for the last several years and on and off before then so why not jump on the bandwagon and annoy people on the internet with all the escapades.

This year we are welcoming back old friends so it may be a blog of a full week of Dragon*Con. You know, the before, during and after the devastation. So with postcards in hand I introduce this years cast:

Mistress Dawn
   The ever lovely, eloquent, and charming Lady of the House.
Master Johnathan
   Man of miscellaneous knowledge and Lord of the House.
   Assassinations for Business or Pleasure: Why let them bother you?
   No not a 3-2-1 Penguin dig he just hasn't come up with a cool name yet.

As always the casting is never over. For those who wish to just join us for the parade that is Saturday.  And for those who wish to only drop in for drinks when we're not at Con I'll try and keep a batch of Mojitos in the refrigerator.

All Hail the Dragon*Con Cast of 2011