Thursday, September 1, 2011

Badges...We Don't Need No Stinking Badges

As expected there were many many many people lined up early (probably all day) to get their badges.And like the troopers we are, we were there bright eyed and bushy tailed...quit laughing....come on.....we weren't up drinking that late the night before.....oh wait we were. As I was saying, like the troopers we are, we were there, outside in the big blue room, standing like zombies, in line, too damn early. Could have had something to do with Mistress is a harsh Mistress.

But this is the new and improved badge pickup and, as promised, the line is moving really quickly. Soon we move from outside the building to inside but you know this is just too good to be true and we hit the first snag: Darkchild has forgotten his ID. For those of you following my twitter feed you already know this. Dragon*Con was very clear about this: no ID no badge. So after several minutes of convincing me that they aren't just yanking my chain, a strategy is hatched if we have to bring him back. I think it involved driving him back later and booting him out of the moving car. Hey, we would have at least slowed down.

Then comes the second snag, about 100 people from the front of the line the computers go down. That probably cost us about an hour delay. After the line starts moving again and we get our badges, turns out,  Darkchild  was able to obtain his badge. How? you might ask (as did we)? He happened to have his military ID on him. Now, for any that know him, he hasn't been in the military in mrphl some odd years (and mrphl some odd pounds tee-hee).  I think the gentleman behind the desk said something to the effect of: only the actual person would have 1. the balls to whip out a military ID and 2. actually use an ID that out of date so he must be telling the truth and gave him his badge. Should anyone be surprised?

Now with badges in hand....Let the Games Begin!!!


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