Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Welcome 2013

Dragon Con August 30 - September 2

So I'm realizing how I'm stuttering my start this year. I don't have any's just hot and really humid and it's hard to get excited about traipsing about outside with 60k of my closest friends. Of course I'm not wearing a costume so I don't really have much to gripe about but gripe and complain I will.

Some of you might notice that the Dragon Con name has changed. The short of it is: they formed a new corporation to get rid of a stock holder. So I'm trying to get the name changed everywhere. If I've missed a spot don't panic I'll get to eventually. There are some people who are just so touchy about these things.

Twitter managed to obsolete my feeds so that was a fun day of figuring out what they did. I think it's all working again. They removed most of the configurable know....they made it better (HA). Google+ finally rolled out their new changes. Well kinda. I almost scrapped the page since most of you don't see it anyway but I was able to at least block all the spammers again so I decided I'd keep it for the time being.

This year is also a little different in that it doesn't look like we'll be near missing another hurricane like the last two years. I was beginning to think the gods were angry at Dragon Con for a while.

That aside, as I mentioned before, we lost two guests this year (Darkchild and The Boy) but Kevin has assured me he can more than make up for it. Master James has opted to go cross country and teach banjo to a bunch of yahoos (is that politically correct?) but Mistress Niki will be joining us on Saturday.  As it currently stands here is the cast for this year:

Mistress Dawn
   The ever lovely, eloquent, and charming Lady of the House.
Master Johnathan
   Man of miscellaneous knowledge and Lord of the House.
   Still waiting for a cool tagline.

All Hail the Dragon Con Cast of 2013


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