Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's All About Forgivness

I decided to wait 6 months to update the blog so that people would have something to keep them going till the next Dragon*Con. Always want to keep them coming back for more. Anyone buying this? I didn't think so.

Apparently trying to write a blog during Con was a bit more of an undertaking than I had anticipated. I forgot to eat some days so blogging really wasn't going to happen. My phone just really wasn't up to the challenge of something like this and even with two extra batteries it was still going dead. The mornings were out because I was trying to get everyone's schedules together for the day and the evenings were out because it was either late or we were cooking dinner.

I would have done it after everyone had left but life has a way of going sideways and I spent the next several months traveling around as some of you know. When I stopped to catch my breath in December I really had anticipated finishing it off but someone lent me crack in the form of all 10 seasons of Stargate. Hey I know where my priorities lie.

By January the thought of finishing just seemed silly but it was a fun ride and I did promise. So in February I started another blog and thought if I have time to start yet another blog the least I could do is bring my last one up to date.

I'm setting up the entries to post under the date they happened not the date I published them. You'll want to go back and start where we pick up our badges. Mostly I think I just want to get the pictures out. Since it's been so long it's more of a timeline than specifics.

Hopefully I'll be rolling these out for all to enjoy and perhaps begging a little forgiveness. It will never happen again. I promise. No really I promise.


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