Friday, July 22, 2011

Web Changes

I'm still getting all the functionality into the site so you may see different things each time you come here.

If it's completely different you're still in the right place I'm just messing with templates. If it's all pink it's 'cause I'm messing with Master Johnathan.

I'm also trying to get the social networking up and running so icons may come and go and feeds may come and go. Don't subscribe to anything but Followers and Follow by Email till I get it worked out.

I'm trying my best not to totally break the page but, you know, "Where's the fun in that?"


Subscriptions to RSS Feeds, Twitter and Google+ work. I won't be doing Facebook for several reasons. The main one being Google+ and Facebook are the same thing and I'd rather only maintain one of them and I already have a Google+ account. I can send an invitation to anyone who wants one( it's in beta ) but you will have to have a google account. Otherwise you can still see the feeds you just can't join.

The buttons are still jumping around the page. I can't decide where I want them.


Master John said...

I'm sure you'll have it twittering, and facebooking, and buzzing in no time.

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