Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome 2012

Dragon*Con August 31- September 3

I'm a little late in getting started. I was just so ever slightly distracted by this thing called the Olympics. I'm not saying I'm a junkie or anything but maybe every iPad, laptop and TV was tuned to a different live stream. Just maybe. Of course Darkchild is the same and he managed to call me every time there was a Dragon*Con update. I guess I just don't have my priories straight.

This year is going to be very meagerly attended. And by meager I mean just Master Johnathan and I. Due to that I was being lazy in starting this years accounting. Although, when I think of it, I should be a bit more diligent since all non-attendees will have to hang on my every word and live vicariously through me. HA Good luck with that.

On a sad note I've already had my first casualty of planning. I just realized several days ago that I only had 3 caffeinated Pixie Sticks left. Everyone should *gasp* here. This is a real tragedy. When I went to order more I was informed they are back ordered till after Dragon*Con. Oh no!!! The horror!!! Everything is ruined!! And after Master Johnathan peeled me off the ceiling he convinced me that Dragon*Con would go on, with or without the Pixie Sticks. thppppppppp

Helping me to better track our every movement I'm borrowing Master Johnathan's iPad so I can take notes between events throughout the day. Maybe this time I'll actually report on Dragon*Con as it's happening.  Trying to type on my phone was such a non-starter (excuses excuses). Of course this year we're packing our own vodka and Red Bull so I'm not making any promises.

If you're following the twitter feed on the blog at all, you may notice tweets but none from me. I appear to be having issues getting my tweets to show up and only some of my mentions. So people are responding to me about tweets you don't see. If I can't get it fixed I may just yank my tweets off the page. If it disappears that's why.

So here is the current cast list for this year's festivities (it's so sad and small, I know):

Mistress Dawn
   The ever lovely, eloquent, and charming Lady of the House.
Master Johnathan
   Man of miscellaneous knowledge and Lord of the House.

All Hail the Dragon*Con Cast of 2012


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