If you're a hard core Dragon Conner you will be up( or still up ) early and going for all hours. Without having to take time out to continually go back to hotel rooms or cars for stuff, here are a list of suggested items.
For ease of transport I suggest a backpack. As long as it's not Hello Kitty or some other such nauseating character it can be carried by both sexes with no complaints to appearance. Of course if you're wandering around in costume all day you're on your own...but being a creative person you've probably already worked it out.
1. Your Badge
The most important thing you can have on you and must be on you at all times. If you lose your car keys you can call AAA and if you lose your hotel key you can go to the desk clerk. Losing the badge will relegate you to outsider status like the geek kid who can't get into the really cool nightclub. It should be on a lanyard. That way it can't fall out of your pocket or get pulled off clothing. Dragon Con sells lanyards, useful AND a souvenir.
2. Water
Yes you can always buy water but it's time out of your day for something you knooow you're going to need. It's good for hangovers, dealing with Hotlanta weather, rinsing the puke off your shoes from idiots next to you....you get the idea.
3. Caffeine
Cause we paid for 4 days and as far as I'm concerned that's four 24 hour days and I'm gonna see everything. So of course you need some sort of energy drink like Red Bull. Next I suggest perusing Think Geek for their selections of caffeinated... well hell you name it they have it. My personal favorites are caffeinated mints( multi-purpose you can also give these to the previously mentioned idiot who threw up on your shoes ), chocolate covered espresso beans and my new favorite, caffeinated pixie sticks.
4. Snacks
Because Con is full of flashy shiny and who the hell has time to stop for food. You should always have something to snack on and it would be useful if it was more substantial than just chips and candy bars. Power Bars, dried fruit and trail mix are easy to come by, easy to carry and don't require refrigeration.
5. Something to Write With and On
You never know who you may run into and when, like that really cute girl in the chain-mail bikini or better yet, your favorite actor in the restroom. You will want several pens( cause you know you'll lose at least one) and maybe a small notebook( wouldn't want to throw out something cause you put it on the back of a receipt for condoms). Also if you came to get an autograph specifically make sure to remember to bring whatever it is you want them to sign (besides your chest, although appreciated by some celebrities even permanent ink will wear off). This may include posters, pictures a book or maybe even a stuffed toy from your favorite series.
6. Cell Phone and Charger
Must tweet, blog, email, text .... everything I see to everyone I know. I think that's enough said. Oh yeah you might also need it to coordinate with your friends.
7. Business Cards
I don't mean the kind that old people still carry around with work information on them but a card you can quickly give people (did I mention that girl in the chain-mail bikini). They are easy to make and you can put whatever you like on them such as name, phone numbers, email addresses, websites, blogs etc....
8. Misc.
Advil, Alieve or Tylenol (for the hangover you know you're going to have), sunscreen, glow sticks for nighttime or any other randomness you might need.
PIXIE Sticks with Caffeine -- Can the world get any better.
I love the suggestions, well thought out though personally I would go A Camel Back with Ice and caffeinated water (Yes the ice would be frosen caffeinated water). Doubles as a small backback, the insulation keeps it cold, and in a pinch you have a water source to wash away.
I also recommend wetwipe packets, You will so want them.
(I WANT TO BE THERE--- Keep up the posts for those of us that need to live vicariously)
Of course, how could I forget about Water Joe, it makes the best coffee.
Thanks for the suggestions.
A small bottle of hand sanitizer
Adhesive bandages
A small tube or packets of antibiotic ointment
Moleskin (if you're prone to blisters)
Small bottles or packages of over-the-counter medicines like pain reliever, allergy medicine and decongestant
A small bottle of baby powder or other talcum powder, especially if you will be carrying a bag or wearing clothing that will rub against your skin
A small bottle of sunscreen
Deodorant (Atlanta is hot during the summer, and the convention is very crowded)
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