Monday, July 25, 2011

New Cast Members

So it appears that we have some new cast members that will be making a guest appearance for 1 day and 1 day only. I wish everyone to amend their cast list and add Mistress Niki and her ever faithful companion Master James. It seems that their previous engagement of playing banjos in the heartland has become rather unappealing. Of course I will never understand why lugging banjos and stand up basses halfway across the country to play music to a bunch of people in a corn field is a fuuuun thing but then I guess I'm not a musician.

So the party of adventurers will rise to six on Saturday for all around rabble rousing and merry making.

 Oh and shout out to Darkchild who has changed his icon. Much more befitting your stature.


Anonymous said...

Dark Child welcomes the new members of the party. I will add them to my shadow of friends. I can always use the aid of minstrels to keep the people distracted while I do my work.
Forever Dark Milrath AKA Darkchild

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