For any of you familiar with Big Dog, it now has an arm. Of course it only has one arm and it's where either its head or its butt should be but it's still really cool. The article shows it throwing cinder blocks across the length of the warehouse.
If you haven't seen this robot perform you should. In the original footage they have it walking through a forest, up and down hill. It has a better ability to navigate terrain than most people. In one scene, to show stability, one of the engineers kicks it to knock it off balance. That created a flurry of emails with people feeling sorry for the robot. Humans, they anthropomorphize everything.
DARPA LS3 quadruped plays follow the leader through mud puddles and more
I think I would luv to have one of these at Dragon*Con to pick up the really annoying patrons (like Firefly fans) and throw them out of my way. I can dream can't I?